• Up next:Create toolpaths to machine the caliper OP2

Module quiz

5 questions

1. Which of the following is an important consideration when planning to use a large shell or face mill to remove large amounts of stock from a part held in a soft jaw?

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2. When creating a new Setup, how can In-Process Stock represent the previous setup’s stock removal and be used in the new setup for toolpath calculations and simulation?

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3. Without any additional selections, where will a facing toolpath machine down to?

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4. How is the machining area previewed while setting up a 2D Adaptive Clearing toolpath?

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5. Which 2D Adaptive Clearing toolpath option in the Passes tab will universally control how much material will be engaged with the cutting flute of a tool in the radial direction?

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  • Up next:Create toolpaths to machine the caliper OP2

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