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Module quiz

8 questions

1. Which type of probe is selected from the Fusion probes library?

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2. What tolerance is set for the center-to-center distance between the two holes in the manual inspection setup?

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3. What is the tolerance set for the Piston bore feature being probed in this video?

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4. How should inspection notes be added to a file in Fusion 360?

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5. When manual inspections are defined, where can they be found in the Browser of the Manufacture workspace?

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6. If a tolerance is not listed next to a dimension in a detailed drawing, where should the tolerance value be obtained from?

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7. What is the required name for the dimension capturing the distance between the mounting face and where the brake pad will be seated?

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8. How can you fix an issue with uneven chamfers along the Y-axis during the visual inspection process?

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