  • Up next:Confirm the BIM Execution Plan

Establish a (pre-appointment) BIM Execution Plan

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Establish a (pre-appointment) BIM Execution Plan - Exercise


Task 1: As part of your (pre-appointment) BIM Execution Plan, demonstrate that each task team have both the capability and capacity to produce and manage the information in line with the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR).

  1. Confirm that the task teams are prepared to issue native BIM format files.
  2. Does the delivery team apply strict disclaimers to issued BIM files that may restrict the uses of the BIM process?
  3. Does the delivery team work to a BIM standard or guideline? If yes, what is it?
  4. Does the delivery team understand the level of information need that is required at each of the project delivery stages?
  5. Does the delivery team understand the level of information need that is required at each of the project delivery stages?
  6. How does the delivery team demonstrate (or what measures are in place to ensure) compliance with the BIM standards?
  7. Is the delivery team prepared to comply with the contents of the Exchange Information Requirements?
  8. Are any risks or issues that may affect the delivery team’s ability to comply with the Exchange Information Requirements?

  • Up next:Confirm the BIM Execution Plan

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