  • Up next:Define exchange information requirements

Identify types of information requirements

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Identify types of information requirements - Exercise


Task 1: Specify four types of information requirements, including high-level and detailed information requirements.

  1. Define your high-level information requirements by establishing the overall purpose of the works and defining why information is needed.
    1. Establish your Organizational Information Requirements, including your objectives, needs and necessities.

    1. Document your Project Information Requirements, including the information required for the delivery phase of your asset.

  1. Document your detailed information requirements by specifying how information should be produced and exchanged within your project team.
    1. Specify Asset Information Requirements, including the information required for an asset's ongoing operation and maintenance.

    1. Outline your Exchange Information Requirements, including details on how, when, and what information will be delivered by your project team.

  • Up next:Define exchange information requirements

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