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Sample test questions

Review these sample questions that demonstrate the format, question types, and proficiency level of the CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The screenshots below show you how question types will appear in a live exam environment. Be sure to review these question types and how they operate carefully so you’re prepared for them in the live testing environment.


  • You won’t have access to the software during the live exam. All questions are in a selected response format and are designed to be answered without the software user interface. 
  • The practice test at the end of this certification prep course will give you practice on exam topics but is not reflective of the live exam environment. The practice test question types are limited to multiple choice only. You may see all of the question types below on the live exam. 


Multiple choice

Multiple choice questions measure knowledge of a specific content topic. A multiple choice item asks a question and provides multiple possible answers.

An image of a multiple choice sample test question for the ACA in CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The image includes a timer at the top to illustrate the timer included in the live exam. The sample question reads Refer to the exhibit. The exhibit is of a rectangular gray box with three red holes in the middle of even spacing. There is an arrow pointing into each hole. The question reads What is the correct tool path to efficiently remove all material in the red area with no specified machining tolerance required? A) Contour B) Pocket C) Drill D) Face.

Answer key

  • Drill

Drag and drop

Drag-and-drop questions measure object-association and placement skills. Exam takers select and reposition answer options within a list or graphic.

An image of a drag-and-drop sample test question for the ACA in CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The image includes a timer at the top to illustrate the timer included in the live exam. The sample question reads Drag each file type and place it in the landing box next to its full name. The exhibit includes four boxes on the left; box 1 reads STL, box 2 reads XT, box 3 reads DXF, box 4 reads IGES. The answer area includes four terms meant to be matched with the 4 boxes on the left; these terms read Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, Stereolithography, Drawing Interchange Format, and Parasolid.

Answer key

  • Initial Graphics Exchange Specification - IGES
  • Stereolithography – STL
  • Drawing Interchange Format - DXF
  • Parasolid - XT

Hot area 

Hot area questions measure your ability by asking you to select “hot” areas of an exhibit. Hot area items are essentially multiple choice items with graphical answer choices.

An image of a hot area sample test question for the ACA in CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The image includes a timer at the top to illustrate the timer included in the live exam. The sample question reads Click on the icon in the user interface of the toolpath simulator that will go to the next operation. The exhibit includes a part of the user interface of a toolpath simulator. The answer area includes 7 buttons in a horizontal row, each with an image, and a slider below the boxes. From left to right, the first button is a line with a left arrow; second button is a circle with left arrow; third button is two left arrows; fourth button is a right arrow play symbol; fifth button is two right arrows; sixth button is right arrow with a circle seventh button is a right arrow with a line. There is a slider under the buttons with a circle that's stopped under the sixth button.

Answer key

  • The answer is found in the sixth button is right arrow with a circle.

Active screen

  • This item measures a candidate’s familiarity with the software’s UI by using interactive images of the software tools, menus, or options.

An image of an active area sample test question for the ACA in CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The image includes a timer at the top to illustrate the timer included in the live exam. The exhibit includes a gray box with four holes at each corner. The answer area includes an image of the stock tab and setup options for mode, Stock offset mode, Stock Side Offset, Stock Top Offset, and Stock Bottom Offset.

Answer key

  • Stock Offset Mode

Graphic interpretation

Graphic interpretation questions measure your ability to view a graphic and interpret the information successfully.

An image of a graphic interpretation sample test question for the ACA in CAM for 2.5 Axis Milling exam. The image includes a timer at the top to illustrate the timer included in the live exam. The exhibit includes Setup Sheet for Program 1001. The sheet includes information about the stock and part, including Stock--DX: 4.017in, DY: 4.017in, DZ: 1.22in; Part--DX: 3.937in, DY: 3.937in, DZ: 1.181in. The answer area includes two questions the first reads How many operations does the setup sheet contain? The second question reads What is the maximum Z value in the setup sheet?

Answer key

  • 1
  • .06
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