• Revit

Create non-planar beam systems in Revit by sketch

Use sketch tools to create non-planar beam systems.

Step-by-step guide

Beam systems provide framing for structures, especially if an area of a structure requires additional support. Revit lets you sketch a variety of beam systems, including planar beam systems, beam systems that are applied directly to a model element, or non-planar beam systems.

To create a non-planar beam system by sketch:

  1. Create a structure for the beam system to be set upon. From the ribbon, Structure tab, Structure panel, select Wall.

The Structure tab with the Wall command called out.

  1. The Modify | Place Structural Wall contextual tab appears in the ribbon. In the Draw panel, select 2-Point Rectangle.
  2. In the Drawing area, pick a start and endpoint to create a rectangular-shaped set of walls.

A set of walls in the Drawing area.

  1. From the ribbon, click Modify.

The ribbon with the Modify command selected to end the wall creation.

  1. In the Drawing area, select one of the walls.
  2. In the Properties panel, notice that the wall is defined as Structural.

The Properties panel with the Structural option enabled.

  1. In the Drawing area, delete two of the walls to make the beam system easier to work with.

The set of walls with two walls deleted.

  1. Set the Work Plane for the beam system. From the ribbon, select Set > Set Work Plane.
  2. In the Work Plane dialog, Specify a new Work Plane group, set level to Level : L1.
  3. From the ribbon, Structure tab, Structure panel, select Beam System.
  4. In the Properties panel, Constraints group, ensure 3D is enabled.

Note: The Constraints > 3D option allows the beam system to adjust according to the profile of the walls.

The Properties panel with the Constraints > 3D option enabled.

  1. From the ribbon, Draw panel, select Pick Supports.

The Draw panel with the Pick Supports command called out.

  1. In the Drawing area, pick each wall.

Once selected, each wall displays a slope indicator:

The drawing area with the two slope indicators highlighted for each wall.

  1. Complete the boundary for the beam system. From the ribbon, Draw panel, select Line.
  2. In the Drawing area, create two lines connecting the walls to create the boundary for the beam system.

The boundary for the beam system is drawn.

  1. From the ribbon, Draw panel, select Beam Direction.

The Draw panel with the Beam Direction command called out.

  1. In the Drawing area, select one of the new boundary lines for the beams to be parallel to.

A boundary line selected in the Drawing area.

  1. In the ribbon, click Finish.

In the Drawing area, the beam system displays:

The beam system set upon two structural walls.

To alter the slope of the beam system:

  1. In the Drawing area, extend the height of one wall.

The beam system adjusts accordingly to the slope:

The beam system adjusts to the slope between the two walls.

  1. The beam system will also adjust according to the profile of the walls. From the ribbon, Mode panel, click Edit Profile.

The Mode panel with the Edit Profile command called out.

  1. In the Draw panel, select Line.
  2. In the Drawing area, draw a diagonal line on one of the walls.

A diagonal line is drawn on one of the walls.

  1. Delete all unnecessary remaining lines.

The unnecessary lines of the wall are deleted.

  1. From the ribbon, click Finish.

Note: The beam system updates to the edited profile:

The non-planar beam system on a wall system with irregular profiles.