• InfoWorks ICM

Understanding versions, scenarios, and commits

Describe how versions, scenarios, and committed changes affect the network, allow for multiple simulation analyses, and promote a multi-user environment.

The version control system in InfoWorks ICM allows concurrent editing of a network and easy tracking of network model changes.

When adding more and larger networks, collaborate by making local changes and then commit them to a workgroup database.

GeoExplorers, networks, and digitization templates are version controlled.

BEST PRACTICE: Enter a note at the prompts when you have made a change to version-controlled objects. This creates a record of the model history that displays how the network model evolved.

A presentation slide listing the advantages of using the version control system.

The Commit History tool allows comparison between network versions. Object Commit History provides comparison between version-controlled objects.

The Object Commit details show a table view of the object attributes, including changes from one version to the next, with recent versions highlighted.

A presentation slide stating the Commit History tool is great for comparing both networks and objects, and it includes an image of the object commit details.

Scenarios allow for flexibility as models are developed for current and future design solutions:

  • The Base model data filters to all scenarios, but the scenarios are not linked.
  • Scenarios can be copied.
  • Allows for exploration of model possibilities.

A presentation slide showing a graphic of how scenarios are created from the Base scenario.