• InfoWorks ICM

Importing background mapping and GIS layers

Import background mapping and GIS layers.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

ICM interacts closely with a number of GIS packages, including ArcGIS and MapInfo. Layers from these GIS packages can be added to the GeoPlan as background layers and images. This map information can help locate structures, such as roads and buildings.

To complete this exercise, use the 1d Sewer Network model, or copy the data from the provided transportable and open it on the GeoPlan.

When using background layers, it is important to ensure that the coordinate systems are set and aligned for all datasets:

  1. From the GeoPlan menu, select Set coordinate system.
  2. Check that the Projection is set to British National Grid [EPSG 27700].
  3. If not, select it from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click OK.

To add background mapping images:

  1. Right-click the GeoPlan model and select GIS Layer control.
  2. In the GIS Layers Control dialog box, click Add.

The GIS Layer Control dialog box with the Add button highlighted.

  1. Browse to the location where the exercise files for this tutorial are located.
  2. Expand the Import_Back_Layer folder.
  3. Change the file type to Raster Image.
  4. Press CTRL+A to select all the files.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Click OK to load the mapping files.

The network model open in the GeoPlan, with the background mapping layer added.

  1. Scroll around the GeoPlan to look at the geographical correspondence between the urban drainage network and the GIS map layer.

To save this selection of layers as a layer list, which can be loaded into other networks:

  1. In the Database, right-click the Model group and select New InfoWorks > Layer list.

A list of active layers is provided.

  1. In the Layer list dialog box, enter a name, such as "Mapping".

The Layer List dialog box, with the name Mapping entered and highlighted in red, and a list of layers to be included in the list.

  1. Click OK.

This layer list can now be used with future networks to quickly load the mapping data.

Tip: It can also be useful to save a blank layer list to quickly clear any loaded layers.

To use a web map service to display background data:

  1. In the GIS Layer Control dialog box, click the Add WMS button.
  2. In the Add WMS Layer dialog box, enter the WMS Server URL.
  3. Click OK.

The GIS Layer Control dialog box, with the Add WMS Layer dialog box also open.

Note: It is also possible to set the zoom levels at which layers are displayed and change the display properties from the GIS Layer Control menu.

To see the location of a geo-referenced model using popular online mapping services:

  1. Zoom to part of the map.
  2. Right-click the GeoPlan and select View online.

View online options for maps.

  1. For this tutorial, select Google Maps.

This opens a web browser with the location of the model opened in the mapping service. Use the street view to help locate drainage features, for example.