• InfoWorks ICM

Working with GeoPlan themes

Use GeoPlan themes to control how network objects are displayed. 

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

A GeoPlan theme controls how objects are displayed on the GeoPlan. This collection of properties can be saved as the network default, or to a database project, to be accessed by other users and applied to other networks.

This example creates themes to change how the conduit and node layers are displayed on the GeoPlan. To complete this exercise, use the 1d Sewer Network model, or copy the data from the provided transportable and open it on the GeoPlan.

To create a theme:

  1. Right-click the GeoPlan and select Properties & Themes.

The GeoPlan shortcut menu with Properties & Themes selected and highlighted.

In the GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog, the Layers and Themes tab allows for editing the properties of each object layer.

  1. For the Conduit row, in the Theme column, click Edit.

The GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog, Layer and Themes tab, with the Conduit row highlighted.

The Layer Theme Editor opens.

Note: The order in which sub themes appear in the Sub Theme Manager Pane of the Layer Theme Editor is extremely important, as it determines the order in which they are applied to the GeoPlan. The base or default theme is applied first, and later themes may override earlier themes.

  1. Click Add New.

The Layer Theme Editor for Conduit, with the Add New button highlighted.

  1. In the Sub Theme Editor Pane, expand the Field drop-down and select system_type.
  2. Click Yes to confirm using the list of values.
  3. Under Ranged Themes, in the Line Color column, click the drop-down color palettes to adjust the colors for some or all values.

The Layer Theme Editor for Conduit, with the drop-down color palette expanded for one of the Line Colors, with a red arrow connecting that field to the palette.

  1. In the Properties list, select Arrows to identify the flow direction of the links.
  2. In the Arrows column, use the drop-downs to set the first and last values to 1.
  3. Click Auto-Theme to set all remaining values to 1.

The Layer Theme Editor for Conduit, with Arrows selected under Properties, and in the highlighted Arrows column, Auto-Theme selected.

  1. Click OK.

The GeoPlan updates to display the color selection and arrows on the pipes. The arrows indicate the direction of the conduit from upstream to downstream.

The GeoPlan with the Conduit color and arrow theme applied.

To change the properties of the Nodes object layer:

  1. On the Layers and Themes tab, Nodes row, Theme column, click Edit.
  2. In the Layer Theme Editor, click Add New.
  3. Expand the Field drop-down and select system_type.
  4. In the Color column, click Auto-Theme to cycle through options until the desired color scheme is found.

The Layer Theme Editor for Node, with the Color column highlighted and a new color theme displayed.

  1. Click Apply.
  2. Click OK to return to the GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog.
  3. In the Nodes row, enable AutoLabel.
  4. Switch to the Auto Labels and Tooltips tab.

These fields can be customized to set the Auto Label display settings. By default, the label field is set to the object ID.

  1. Enable Interactivate Tooltips.
  2. Click Tooltip Fields to select the fields to display.

GeoPlan The Properties and Themes dialog box, Auto Labels and Tooltips tab, with the default Label Field and ToolTips options highlighted.

When activated, the selected field information is displayed when the cursor hovers over the object.

To save a theme:

  1. Click Save.
  2. In the popup, select Save as default for this network.

This applies the theme every time the network is opened.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click OK again to close the GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog.

On the GeoPlan, the conduits and nodes are now displaying the theme settings.

The GeoPlan with the Conduit and Node themes applied.