Analyzing Fireflow for an Extended Duration
Run a fireflow analysis for a specified duration and view the resulting report.
The fireflow modeling capabilities of InfoWater Pro allow for duration testing to extend the fireflow run over a longer period. During a fireflow EPS, the simulation searches for the critical junctions with the lowest pressure, as well as the critical pipes with the highest velocity. The resulting output report highlights the critical conditions and the time at which they occur over the specified period.
- Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
- From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
- In the map, select the area containing the junctions you want to test.
- On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Domain panel, click Clear Domain.
- Click Enlarge Domain.
- In the map, select the area to the lower left.
- If you pick extra pipes or nodes, use the Reduce Domain tool.
- Once the domain is set, on the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click the Select tool to deactivate the Domain tools.
- On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Analysis panel, click Run.
- In the Run Manager, click the Fireflow tab.
- Enable Run Fireflow on Domain Only.
- Enable Duration.
- Set the value to 240.
Note: Previously, the Time was set to hour 10, so InfoWater Pro will run a standard simulation for the first 9 hours, and then apply the fireflow demands at hour 10. Because the duration is in minutes, the fireflow demand will be applied for 4 hours, or until hour 14.
- Click Run.
The Fireflow report opens automatically in the Report Manager.
- If you are prompted to switch to the most recent output data, click Yes.
The report that opens is the standard fireflow report. The duration report must be opened manually.
- In the Report Manager, click New.
- In the Output/Report Graph dialog box, under Available Output Sources, select *Active*.Fireflow.
- Click the Tabular Report tab.
- Select Fireflow Extended Time.
- Click Open.
The fireflow EPS appears in the Report Manager. This report details the lowest pressure found over the extended duration and the time the low pressure occurred.
Note: If you want to see results from hydrants during multiple timesteps, then you would use the Multi-Fireflow tab in the Run Manager for that capability.
- When you are finished, click Hide to close the Report Manager.