• InfoWater Pro

Analyzing Fireflow for Selected Model Elements

Assign fireflow demands and run a standard fireflow analysis only for junctions in the domain.


You can run a fireflow analysis on only a selection of model elements in the domain. For example, you assign fireflow demands and run a standard fireflow analysis only for junctions in the domain. These junctions simulate hydrants in your system.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Domain panel, click Domain Manager.
  4. For the Element Source, select Network.
  5. Expand the drop-down and select All Junctions.
  6. Click Add.
    The Domain Manager with Network selected as the Elements Source and All Junctions selected as the element source type.
  7. Click Close.

To set the fireflow value to test for the selected group of junctions:

  1. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click Group Editing.
  2. In the Group Editing dialog box:
    1. In the Desired Element Selection group, ensure that Domain is selected.
    2. In the Element list, select Fireflow.
    3. In the Applicable Attribute(s) group, set the Fire Flow (gpm) value to 750.
    4. Click Apply.

The Group Editing dialog box, with the fireflow options set for the domain.

  1. Click OK to confirm.
  2. Click Close.

All junctions in the model now have a fireflow demand. You can now select the area of the map with the junctions you want to test.

  1. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Domain panel, click Clear Domain.
  2. Click Enlarge Domain.
  3. In the map, select the area to the lower left.
  4. If you pick extra pipes or nodes, use the Reduce Domain tool.
    The Network map, with the junctions to test selected in the expanded domain.
  5. Once the domain is set, on the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click the Select tool to deactivate the Domain tools.
  6. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Analysis panel, click Run.
  7. In the Run Manager, click the Fireflow tab.
  8. Enable Run Fireflow on Domain only.

The fireflow analysis is now restricted to junctions currently in the domain, which is the selected area.

The Run Manager, Fireflow tab with Run Fireflow on Domain Only selected to restrict the extent of the analysis.

  1. Click Run.

The Fireflow report opens automatically in the Report Manager.

  1. If you are prompted to switch to the most recent output data, click Yes.
  2. Use the Report Manager to answer general fireflow questions, such as, can fireflows be supplied here?
  3. Right-click the Residual Pressure column header and select Sort Ascending.
    Report Manager for Fireflow analysis with Residual Pressure column highlighted

The lowest value is more than 20 psi, which is the residual pressure that was set in the Run Manager Fireflow tab. Therefore, fireflows can be supplied to the domain.

  1. When you are finished, click Hide to close the Report Manager.